Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to test Siebel Inbound Web Service in Mobile/Developer Client

Most of us who worked on siebel EAI especially on web services are aware that Siebel server set-up is required to test in bound web services. As EAI Component should be required to receive the inbound SOAP requests which internally call web services.
But from siebel versions and, we can test inbound web services in mobile client/ developer client. This does not need deploying web service to server and test. This save really a lot of time during development of web service.

As I mentioned it supports only after and patch, you need to install and then follow below configuration to enable in bound web service in mobile/developer client.

To enable Web services on the Siebel Mobile Web Client.
  • Set the following parameters in the [Siebel] section of the application configuration file, such as uagent.cfg
EnableWebServices = TRUE
WebServicesPort = 2330 (Port number on which to listen. The default is 2330)

  • Save the config file and launch siebel application again, you will see a child siebel.exe process is running in back ground. This process is listening all in bound SOAP requests.

  • Open Application and navigate to Administration - Inbound web service and select web service you want to test.
  • In Port Applet change URL as follows:
  • http://<Machine Name>:<Port Number>?SWEExtSource=WebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&UserName=<UserrName>&Password=<PassWord>
  • For Example: http://localhost:2330?SWEExtSource=WebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&UserName=SADMIN&Password=SADMIN
  • Then generate WSDL and store WSDL file.

  • Install third party software to test SOAP request from WSDL file.You can download SOAP UI from eviware.
  • Load WSDL file to SOAP UI and ensure siebel.exe is listening on 2330 for SOAP can verify by using command "netstat -a -p TCP"command.
  • Then Check the URL in SOAP UI, It should be same as mentioned in step2.
Click on send, you will see the SOAP response from siebel client without any server setup. :)

There are some limitations to test it, It can found in latest 8.1.1 Book Shelf.


  1. Hi Sathish,when i am trying above steps i am getting response as below:

    401 Unauthorized

    but it is not a valid response ,could you please help me with the same.

  2. Hi Aparna,
    Which version you are using? If you are using Ip2015 then URL authentication wont work.


Siebel Open UI is released ...!!!

Hi Guys, The most awaited feature of Siebel, called Open UI is released. This new feature Open UI is available in new Siebel patch 8.1.1....