Friday, July 29, 2011

Dynamic SQL Tracing in Application

While debugging we might want to know the SQL generated for the particular event. So we increase the log level to 5 OR we enable sql spooling.
In both cases, it is difficult to find the sql's generated only for the particular event. The following configuration will help you out to turn on/off sql spooling and there by analysing the sql generated only for the events.

The Idea here is to create a command button on application toolbar and then upon pressing button invoke a business service which will trun on/off sql trace.Follow the below steps to configure dynamic sql trace.

Step 1: Create a Business Service with the following code.

function LogTrace(Inputs, Outputs)
var isTraceOn = TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("IsTraceOn");
var sFile = "c:\\temp\\Siebel_Trace.Log";
if( isTraceOn == "TRUE" ){
var oShell = COMCreateObject("Shell.Application");
oShell = null;
Step 2: Create a Command Object to call this business service method.
Name: Log Trace
Business Service: Business Service Name created in step1.
Display Name: Log Trace
HTML Bitmap: Log Trace Icon (you can create a bitmap image and associate it to this command)
Method: LogTrace
Target: Server

Step3: Add this command to a Toolbar Item. I used Query Tool bar which is displayed right top corner of the application.
Query for the "HIQuery" Toolbar from Toolbars Object Type.In Toolbar Item Child Object Type add following.
Name: Log Trace
Command: Command Created in step2
Display Name: Log Trace
HTML Type: Link
Position: 30

Compile the change and open application, you will see a button just after the query toolbar.
Press Log Trace Command button once. It will enable the sql trace, then perform the event i.e, click on button or navigate to a new view.
Then press the Log Trace command button. It will disable the sql trace and opens a text file with sql statements executed for that event.


  1. Hi,

    I am New to Siebel , I liked this Post and tried in My Local,but it doesnt work

    I have an query like do this requirement works only in Server or we can also execute in Local? since i Tried in Local I changed the Target to Service. Please suggest me

  2. Hi Bharathi,
    This requirement works in local.please change the target to server and try.


Siebel Open UI is released ...!!!

Hi Guys, The most awaited feature of Siebel, called Open UI is released. This new feature Open UI is available in new Siebel patch 8.1.1....